Stay on Your Toes With These Handy Productivity Tools

Stay on Your Toes With These Handy Productivity Tools

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

If you’re slashing your to-do list left and right, that’s great! I would love to know your best secret. But if you’re like me and the time just seems to get away from you, the perfect tip can help you plow through your day. Check out these handy productivity tools to make your day flow better.

There’s an App for That

Everywhere you turn, someone is creating a newer and more innovative app to help make life easier. When it comes to productivity, there are a few that take the cake. One is the Todoist app. 

It’s an easy-to-use app that allows you to manage your entire day in one place. Create checklists and utilize the reminders and organization tips this app provides. There is a free version so you can try it out. It also has paid tiers depending on your needs and budget. 

Grab a Kitchen Timer

Getting started on a huge project can seem very daunting when you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. One way to tackle it is to break it up into smaller sections and rest a bit in between.

Ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? It utilizes breaking down your tasks into small chunks of time. This helps you stay on track and accomplish your to-do list quicker. You can use a simple kitchen timer clock and put it at your desk for a quick reference. 

There is also a Pomodoro timer app you can download to your web browser or phone. 

Use Noise Canceling Headphones

Sometimes all the distractions outside the office can make completing a simple task daunting. Not only do you have a ton of tasks to complete for work, you also have things to do and appointments to get to. 

Try putting on some noise canceling headphones. Pop in your favorite playlist and concentrate on getting it all done. 

Ditch Your Phone (for now)

From Facebook notifications to update tones, your phone always wants to notify you when you’re not paying attention to it. Sometimes this buzz can be a major distraction. If it is, simply turn off your ringer and put it away. Out of sight and out of mind. This allows you to concentrate on what you need to get done and not take all day doing it. 

Is it procrastination or just simply constant interruption? Put an end to it all and be your very best version of yourself. Use these productivity tips today and watch your personal goals take fruition to success. 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2023,

5 Best Beach Hacks on a Budget

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

The weather is warming up, school is out, and it’s time to hit the beach. Whether you have kids and pets in tow, or it’s a solo trip, making it an enjoyable experience is important. Sometimes the sand and sea can make a beach day a bit of a hassle and beach items can be pricey. Check out these budget-friendly beach hacks to make it nothing but smooth sailing. 

1. Charcuterie On-the-go  

When you think of the beach, one of the first things that comes to mind is snacking. Cheese and crackers or pretzels and dip, all help satisfy a hungry stomach, but they can be hard to transport and serve on the beach.

For this beach hack, instead of hauling around a cutting board or serving plates, try a small craft organizer instead. Choose a clear view container with lots of individual slots for small snacks. Turn it into a grazing box with things like nuts, cheese cubes, blueberries, strawberries and small crackers or snacks. 

2. Sandwiches Made Easy

Packing a meaningful meal is important for a day by the sea. A quick and money-saving way is to pack one large sandwich to share. Assemble sandwiches at home by grabbing a package of King’s Hawaiian style rolls. Cut the entire assembled loaf piece in half lengthwise. 

From there, add a light layer of mayo or mustard and top with meat and sliced cheese. Reassemble the loaf and put it right back in the bag. When you get to the beach, everyone can break off a roll for a satisfying lunch. Seal up the bag for optimal freshness. 

3. Frozen Aloe Cubes

Even with sunscreen, sun-kissed skin can get hot and irritated. Cool off quickly by grabbing a frozen aloe cube. Prior to your beach trip, squirt some aloe vera into an ice cube container and freeze overnight. Then pop them into a plastic bag or container. Use the cubes as a refreshing treat on sensitive skin. 

4. Make a Baby Powder Sock

Sand is often the enemy at the beach when it comes to keeping it away from food and drinks. Plus, no one wants to take sand home via beach toys and dry outerwear. Try the baby powder sock hack. Fill a soft sock with powder and run it over your legs or body to keep stray sand granules at bay. 

5. Create a Sand-Free Zone

If you are going to the beach to sunbathe or indulge in a good book, you need a sand-free zone. While the baby powder hack is great for staying sand free, you may need to expand further. Use a sheet with four corner weights to create a sand-free zone. While there are several large sand towels on the market, a sheet is a cheaper alternative. Don’t forget to pack beach toys in mesh bags to avoid getting sand in your vehicle. 

A beach day is always a welcoming adventure for kids and adults of all ages. Keep things simple and don’t blow your budget on pricey activities and gadgets. Here is to a fun day in the sand and sun!

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2023,

10 Profitable Side Gigs for Quick Cash

10 Profitable Side Gigs for Quick Cash

Times can be tough. Even working a full-time job can often leave many of us falling short by the end of the month. There is a solution: finding a side gig to supplement your income. While income flow can be unpredictable these days, hard work and perseverance pays off. Whether you’re looking for a way to start saving up some cash for a rainy day, or need to pay off a past due utility bill, check out these side gigs now. 

1. Food Delivery

During the pandemic, many restaurants were closed to the public, forcing people to stay home. So food delivery was in high demand. The good news is, it still is. It’s a convenient way to have dinner and it’s delivered right to your doorstep. It’s also still a lucrative way to make some money. Companies like Postmates, Grubhub and DoorDash offer ways for you to score extra cash in your spare time. Some people report making up to $30 an hour!

2. Microtasks

So many people are working online these days. Maybe your dream is to land the perfect computer job where your commute is simply to your living room couch. Doing things like micro-tasking gives you the flexibility and convenience of doing just that. If you have a laptop, sign up for accounts through sites like Spare5 and Amazon Mechanical Turk. If you’re good, accurate and fast, you can build up your clout, and earn a decent paycheck. 

3. Pet Sitting

Pets are life and our world revolves around making them happy. Pet owners don’t want to stress out about how they are cared for while they are away at work or on vacation. This is where you come in. If you’re good with animals and love interacting with them, start a pet sitting business. The income potential is limitless because you set your own rates. Grow your clientele and watch your business soar. 

4. Fiverr

Thousands of registered users login to Fiverr daily to search for and accept jobs. With everything from resume writing to creating company logos, if you can dream it, you can do it. Just pick a niche you’re good at and post your portfolio. Business owners will come to you for your expertise. Don’t let the word five in the title fool you to thinking it’s a cheap gig. You can raise your rates as you build your portfolio. It’s a great way to land a profitable side project and build your brand. 

5. Create a Blog

If you love to write and have a true passion for a particular subject, give blogging a try. It’s easy to set up a website, and then you just need content. From mommy blogging to food photos and how-to’s, topics are diverse and plentiful. You just need to plug into social media, and connect with others to drive up blog traffic. 

6.  Become a Vlogger

Blogger, vlogger, what’s the difference? Unlike a blogger, a vlogger grabs the video camera and talks about their story, rather than typing it out in a blog post. All you need is a big, free platform to reach your audience. Do this through YouTube. Pick a subject like makeup, shopping, or pranks on grandma. Gain loyal followers, traffic and advertisers. Before you know it, you’ll be making bank like some of the wealthiest YouTubers on the planet. 

7.  Self Publishing

Have you always wanted to publish your short story, just don’t know where to start? Try self-publishing. There are no harsh rules or requirements and you are free to say and shape your story to your own specifications. The best part? You can gain an audience overnight and get paid for it. Amazon self-publishing is the platform to do it. This is a serious and highly profitable side-gig if you can write and gain a loyal following. 

8. Become a Driver

Many people still need to make their way across town. With public transportation being hard to access and pricey, they turn to personal driving companies for assistance. This is where you come in. Sign up to be a driver for Uber or Lyft and build your reputation and your pocketbook. Pay is competitive and tips are often generous. 

9. Shop for Others

Many people just want to avoid crowds and other people these days. Or maybe they simply can’t get out and do their own grocery shopping. This is where you come in. If you’re already a fast and savvy shopper, this gig is perfect. The faster and more accurate you are, the more money you can make per hour by shopping for others. Instacart is a good place to check out. 

10. Sell Stuff

Getting a hold of items for cheap and turning them for a profit is a great way to make fast cash. Sites like Poshmark and eBay are some of the leading resale platforms. If you love dumpster diving, garage saling and thrifting, this is a perfect opportunity. Look for these top selling items:

  • Vintage or name-brand clothing
  • Handbags
  • Electronics
  • Antique or vintage home decor

As long as you sell items that are in demand and people want to buy them, you can create a turn-key business and a profitable side-hustle for yourself. 

Using any of these 10 ways to make some quick cash can be a lifesaver. Some may not be for you, while others may be able to help you out of a financial bind. Piggyback a couple or several for even more profit. Get your personal hustle game on and start making your dreams a reality now.  

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2021,



Hi! Welcome to Nurturing Cents! A premier financial lifestyle blog! We are SO glad you stopped by. Here we share some of our favorite financial tools, tips, and other vital tidbits of information to help you succeed with your personal finances. Unlike a lot of other business sites that overload you with information, we strive to keep things simple, easy-to-follow and straight-to-the point.

There are oodles of finance gurus and financial self-help pros everywhere you turn. So why read our stuff? We like to break things down into small, digestible chunks that make sense to everyone. Again, we want to share only the best, latest, and, did we say, easiest? Ways to make and save money today and beyond.

Prosperous side hustles, budgets for big families, credit card rewards, dealing with debt—this blog is for everyone! We may also throw in some recipes, household saving suggestions, and travel tips from time to time.

Nurturing Cents does not discriminate. Whether you make six figures or are having trouble making just six bucks, you’ll find something here to enhance and improve your lifestyle.

Learn how to budget and save the right way! Our goal is to help you find simple ways to nourish the cents you already have and build a solid nest egg and a comfortable future. It’s about saving and thriving every day.

Stop worrying about money and start enjoying life. Your next adventure awaits!


CEO and Founder of Nurturing Cents

Raising Pains: Consider These Things Before Raising Your Own Chickens

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Chicken eggs are in high demand at the moment. Due to the rising costs of purchasing eggs either at a farmer’s market or the grocery store, many people have resorted to raising their own chickens. While the micro-farming trend is on the rise, implementing chickens into your backyard space is a serious project. Here are some things to consider before buying chicks and trying to raise your own egg layers. 

Create a Safe Space  

You fall in love with the colorful, chirpy chicks at your local farm store. Next thing you know, you’ve acquired a few hundred dollars in supplies and about 10 peeping chicks in your backseat. Then you get home only to realize you really have no where to put them. 

Create a nesting area, called a brooding box. You can buy them already built at your local supply store, or you can use a tall crate or container. The goal is to keep them corralled, and safe from predators. Make it accessible for you to water and feed them daily. 

Keep them Warm

Baby chicks are fragile creatures. They require a warm place to grow and thrive, typically around 95 degrees fahrenheit.Be sure to have a heat lamp set up to prevent hypothermia. Bedding is also important. Use things like shredded paper, sawdust or newspaper. Change out regularly to cut down on ammonia fumes and keep the bedding as dry as possible. 

Time to Eat

Chicks need to have a steady supply of food and water. Keep both fresh daily. On average, one chick eats about a half cup of feed per day. The chicken feed should be a protein-based food consisting of cracked corn and bone meal. An auto feeder can be used for established chicks. This allows them to eat as needed. Keep a close eye on overeating, as that can lead to future health problems. 

Create a Permanent Coop

Now is the time (if you haven’t already) to build a safe and accessible chicken coop. If you are handy, or a DIY expert, you can follow a design and create your own chicken coop. One that is practical and useful is really all you need. When planning a design, be sure to include the following:

  • Sturdy roosting perch- a place for them to perch and rest while in the coop.
  • Litter box- a slide out catch box for easy clean up of feces. 
  • Coop ramp- easy access for chickens to reach the perch area.
  • Nesting area- boxes for hens to lay their eggs in privacy.

Ventilation is important too, ammonia and feces buildup can cause an unhappy coop. Even with ventilation, be sure to clean the coop daily. This includes adding fresh straw or wood flakes as needed. 

Making sure the perimeter is fenced will allow chickens to get fresh air and roam while out of the coop. It also protects against unwanted predators. 

Points to Ponder:

  • Hens don’t lay eggs until about the age of 18 weeks or 5 or 6 months. 
  • Be aware of the molt stage. Chickens stop laying eggs and lose feathers for a few weeks. 
  • Chickens often hault egg production in the winter months. 
  • Chickens only live between 5 and 10 years.
  • They love to dig holes in the gardens. It only takes a few minutes for them to destroy both veggie and flower beds. 
  • They are messy. Chickens poop everywhere, so be careful where you walk.  

Raising chickens doesn’t have to be a pain! Chickens can be a great addition to your small or large farm. While you can have chickens with less than a $500 investment, the cost of long-term care can rise significantly. Weigh in the pros and cons when considering becoming a chicken farmer. The goal is to have both a happy farmer and happy chickens! 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2025,

Best Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Best Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

When it comes to freelancing and working at home, these days it seems like the competition is growing fierce. It’s getting harder to land clients and for some freelance writers, it is harder to keep them. From budget cuts to the influx of AI, being a freelance writer is tough. If you feel writing jobs are scarce or you’re about to give up, don’t! There is still a lot of work out there, you just have to know where to look. Check out these places that may help you land your next high paying client. 

Big Media Sites

If you have experience in copywriting or any type of online content writing, you may wish to dive right in. The big media powerhouses are home to some of the biggest names in digital content. Just a few to check out include:

  • Mediabistro– Home to a variety of creative jobs featuring big brand sites. Take note that clients change over time. Great for script writers, content writers and copyeditors. 
  • DotDash Merideth– A power house in the media world. DotDash features open freelance and contract positions for companies like Better Homes and Gardens, PEOPLE, Byrdie, and Investopedia, just to name a few. 
  • Static Media– Another big content platform that is home to some online giants like House Digest, Glam, Chowhound, and more.

These media sites are a good place to start if you are looking for higher paying online clients, as opposed to piece meal content mills. 

Your Favorite Saved Websites

Some of those websites you have bookmarked on your browser, may be the key to finding a new writing gig. Big box companies don’t always list their job ads on places like Indeed or other hiring websites. A little tip? Scroll down to the bottom of the landing page. You should see a drop down menu for careers or jobs. If you’re in luck, you will see a job posting or a place to contact them with your CV or resume.  

Fellow Writers and Freelancers

Another way to land a new client is through your existing writer friends. Scope out their social media pages to see who they write for or have written for in the past. A good place to start is LinkedIn. Most people list who they have worked with in the past, and sometimes even their contact information. 

This is a good way to find new clients and potentially your next freelance gig. 

Content Creation Agencies  

In addition to job boards, there are agencies that specialize in matching up writers with clients. They are not necessarily content mills, but you can gain multiple clients and write articles for their brand. Most of these gigs are temporary, but you can use them to build up your portfolio. 

  • Skyword– You must apply to get accepted into the writer program, but anyone can get a free portfolio to showcase their work. As an approved writer, you’ll get invited to apply for open freelance positions. Skyword hosts big brand companies and private clients as well.
  • ClearVoice– Another content marketing company that allows you to apply with an online portfolio. After careful review, you will be added to the platform to be invited by clients to write posts. You can also pitch article ideas to various clients. 
  • Constant Content– This is a platform in which you write and submit work for sale. You set your own license and selling fees, so you are in control of how much you make. This is another way to sell old articles or articles you have already written and want to make some money on. 

Content agencies are a great way for finding high paying freelance writing work. The agency does all the legwork and advertising for finding you clients on an ongoing basis. 

Cold Contacting

This has always been a rather tough one, especially if you’re not a salesperson at heart. The good news? You don’t have to be. But you do need to have some things in place first. 

Create a stellar online portfolio– This is the most important facet of landing a cold contact. If you can write, you need to prove it. A portfolio of your blog posts or other published articles can really highlight your writing abilities. A potential client will want to see the proof in the pudding, so be ready to showcase your work. Portfolios can be created for free through Skyword, ClearVoice, and Contently. You can also use your personal blog as reference too.

Showcase reputable references– If possible, try to obtain references from previous writing clients, writing associates or other professionals. See if they can mention something about your writing abilities, creativity or leadership skills. This will help spark more interest. Tip: Ask some of your connections on LinkedIn for a quick endorsement. You can use this as a reference. 

Have a good tracking system in place– Use your favorite spreadsheet program like Excel to track who you have contacted. This will be a valuable way to track the analytics of the process. It makes it handy to glance at who you need to follow up as well as contact information and any other notes. 

Go through some of your favorite bookmarked websites to find potential clients. Don’t forget to check out local businesses too. Many of them may not have websites, so you might have to dig for an email address, or contact them via phone to spark interest. 

Traditional Job Search Sites

One last way to land a potential freelance writing job is through traditional job search sites. While it may sound cliche, adding the right search words can make a difference in what types of jobs show up. Some words that might work include:

  • Remote
  • Hybrid
  • Contract
  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Freelancer
  • Content creator

You can also use your favorite search engine to type in remote freelance jobs. This will target websites that are looking for writers or freelancers that may not list these jobs on a job search site. 

There’s an abundance of locations to search for freelance writing jobs. Some pay well, some not so well. With a little diligence and hard work, you will be landing high-paying gigs in no time!

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2024,

Frozen Pet Treats: Keep Your Dog Cool With This Easy-to-Make Snack

Image by Nathalia Cristina G Ribeiro Nathy from Pixabay

We love to spoil our pets and reward them every chance we get. So, instead of turning to a dry, crusty treat, why not choose something different? These little ice cold delights are the perfect choice for your dog, especially when the temps are rising outside. Check out these tasty nuggets—safe for both pets and humans. 

Things you’ll need:

-2 ripe bananas peeled and cut into small circles.

-1 to 2 teaspoons of natural, smooth peanut butter.

-12 ounces of natural plain or flavored yogurt.

-Silicone candy mold- use a fun shape of your choice.

-Food processor or blender.

Tip: Most fruit and veggies are safe for dogs. (except grapes and raisins) Change up this recipe by adding shredded carrots, pureed pumpkin, blueberries or a watermelon pulp to the mix. 

Step 1: Prep your bananas by peeling and cutting them up into small chunks. 

Step 2: In a large bowl, add a teaspoon or two of natural peanut butter and 12 ounces of yogurt together.

Step 3: Add ingredients to a blender or food processor and mix lightly, just enough so the ingredients are combined well, but not mushy. 

Step 4: Pour into a silicone mold and place into a freezer for at least 4 hours. 

Remove pieces as needed for a tasty, cool snack. 

These healthy snacks can help dogs with anxiety and also serve as a tasty reward after a walk or potty break. It’s always nice to reward our furry friends with a special treat. It also helps keep them happy and healthy! Whether it’s the dog days of summer or old man winter is blowing the snow around, your pet deserves the very best.

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2023,

To Tip or Not to Tip?

To Tip or Not to Tip?

It seems like lately so many food and beverage establishments are adding more options to tip on their cash out screen. But are some places taking it a little bit too far? This goes beyond the traditional tip or gratuity that we make after being served a great meal. The question here is when to tip and when is asking for a tip going over the top? 

Always Tip Your Wait Staff

According to TableAgent, anywhere from 15 to 20% of the bill total is the appropriate amount to tip. Less or more depending on how your service was. Keep in mind that this is the pre-tax amount. Many people tip based on the total bill amount, but you should configure the amount before taxes and other fees are added. 

If you had an issue with your service or food, ask to speak to the manager. This way, the issue can be addressed directly, rather than by the tip amount or lack thereof.  

Tipping at the Drive Thru?

This is where things can get a little dicey. If you tip the drive-thru attendant electronically, do they really get the money? Do they deserve it? Maybe the cook in the back is more deserving than the attendant. 

Tipping at the drive thru is a relatively new option. The question remains, who really gets that money? Or does it just go back into the company’s pocket?

A Tip for Carry Out Service?

What about going in to get your food? Should you tip the cashier? I would say no, but there is one exception. If you pre-ordered a lot of food, such as several orders or a catering-type order, you should probably leave a tip. 

This is because someone had to work hard to organize and put the order together. Also, if the restaurant you ordered from went the extra mile to pack utensils, sauces or other extra goodies, always be sure to tip well. 

Tipping Fast-Food or Cafeteria-Style Food

Even going into a fast-food restaurant or one where you have to go and grab your food at the counter and pour your own drink, they often ask for a gratuity. That is up to you to tip, but again, you may not know who actually gets that tip at the end of the day. 

For cafeteria-style food joints or cafes where you grab your food or they hand it to you, a tip is often listed on the total bill. This is another instance where you are not typically required to leave a tip, but you can if you wish. 

Most cashiers can’t accept money or cash on the side and pocket the change. The tip has to go into the total order, which means there is no guarantee that person will get that money. 

Tipping is becoming more of a hot-topic button lately more than ever. But the question remains; who actually gets that money? If you have to question it, maybe it is best to pass over it. But at the end of the day, if your wait staff works hard for you, and you’re pleased with their service, tip them well. 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2023,

5 Cheap Perennials to Fill Out Your Garden Fast

Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash

When it comes to purchasing plants and landscaping, it can really break the budget. A visit to the garden center can easily set you back a few hundred dollars. And some annuals and perennials have a short bloom time. Why not invest in something that will fill out fast and perform well throughout the season? Check out these 5 cheap perennial plants to quickly fill in the nooks and crannies of your empty yard space. 


Photo by T L on Unsplash

The hosta is the queen of perennials. This is because it is so easy to grow and divide. This green and sometimes variegated plant literally lasts all season long. It is often found in shades of light blue or all predominant white with green stripes. Some varieties like the blue hosta harbor a unique deep aqua green color. It is a hardy perennial that thrives in partial to full shade. 

Once you have one established plant, you can quickly divide the roots to make more plants. One popular variety is the hosta plantaginea. This deep green plant provides foliage all summer long and ends its season with large white, fragrant blooms. 

In fact, to really be cheap and savvy, ask a friend for a rhizome or bare root part of their hosta. From there, you can add it to your perennial garden and in a few years you will have shoots of your own to fill in bare areas. 

Russian Sage

Photo by Isa Macouzet on Unsplash

If you love purple, you will want to add this easy plant to your flower garden. Russian Sage boasts a silvery stem base with purple flowers that bloom almost all summer long. 

It is an easy plant to grow and gets big quickly to help fill out barren garden beds. Try snagging this hardy perennial on clearance at your local garden center in the fall. 


Photo by C VanHeest on Unsplash

This perennial is easy to divide once established. You can cut off some of the root base and easily transfer part of a big plant to another location. 

Coneflowers come in a variety of colors, ranging from yellow, deep pink to pale apple green. 


Photo by Rebecca Niver on Unsplash

Phlox is a shade loving perennial that also grows wild. You can find it alongside fields or in ditches in late spring. Remove the plant at the root and transplant for a fast-growing transformation. While you won’t see results for a year or two, phlox is a great plant to fill in bare spots. 

Colors range from bright pink to white, with other colors in between. This plant is best paired up with ferns or hostas. 


Photo by C VanHeest on Unsplash

This is a hardy, sturdy perennial that loves all soil varieties. Because of that it is super easy to grow and take clippings from. If you see one anywhere, you can either take a root cutting or a leaf and propagate it. 

One contender for a great cheap and easy plant is Sedum Autumn Joy. It boasts a gorgeous, tall, succulent-like foliage from spring to summer. Then it has luscious green flowers on top that turn burgundy late summer to early fall. 

The best way to get plants is to find someone who is willing to let you take a root or stem for propagation. Neighbors, friends and co-workers are a good starting point. Getting plants on clearance at the end of the season is also good. You just have to be patient for blooms. 

Gardens are not always built overnight. It takes time and tenderness, but it is totally with it in the end. 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2023,

Cheap Cleaning Hacks for a Sparkling Fresh Home

Cheap Cleaning Hacks for a Sparkling Fresh Home

One thing taking social media by storm is short little videos designed to grab your attention! Everything from dancing to cooking, viewers are engaged and ready to learn something new. A popular trend? Cleaning clips that hook you in, wanting to know more.

The cleaning industry is booming. Raking in over $46 million dollars a year, and it’s growing from there! Cleaning products take up a good portion of that. 

Cleaning should be a simple concept, right? It basically is. But there are some recipes and hacks going around that are pretty amazing. We have done the legwork for you. Here are some of the most popular cheap viral cleaning hacks and tips that you can put together right now. 

Stubborn Stain Removal Hack

We all have those stains that take aim on furniture, especially material that shows stains easily. Carpeting also gets bombarded with stains that can be hard to get rid of. They may clean up fine, only to return the next day once the stain has dried. 

Here are some different things you can use to keep stains at bay permanently. You may even have them in your cupboards. 

  • Shaving Cream- A good fast-acting stain remover. Simply spray some on the stain and let it go to work. It works similar to scrubbing bubble cleaners that use foam as their workhorse. After it has set, blot the stain with a warm washcloth and dry. 
  • Vinegar- This product should be a mainstay in every cleaning caddy. It brightens material and helps lift stubborn stains like grass and dirt. It’s also an excellent cleaner for hardwood floors as it breaks down residue left behind from wax and previous cleaners. 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide- With the same disinfectant power of bleach, diluted hydrogen peroxide can be an excellent stain fighter. Use the same caution as you would bleach, as it can stain easily, including your skin. 
  • Baby Powder and Dish Soap- For stubborn grease stains, get out some baby powder and dish soap. First, sprinkle baby powder on the stain. This helps to dry up the area and pull any wetness to the surface. Then vacuum. Next, apply a small amount of dish soap to cover the stain. Use a warm washcloth to scrub and lift the rest of the stain. 
  • Lemon Juice- Add the juice from one lemon to two-parts water to create an eco-friendly cleaner. Use on countertops, painted trim and laminate. It helps to remove stains and leaves behind a fresh, lemony smell. 

These are some inexpensive cleaning tricks you can use right now. Just use caution when applying to certain materials and floors, as some could stain. 

For Clean Sparkling Floors Try This Floor Cleaning Hack

Social media is beaming with floor cleaning hacks that claim to make the entire house smell like fresh laundry. There are some secret ingredients that they often leave out, leaving you guessing or coming up with a false recipe concoction. 

Here is a simple old-fashioned recipe that is inexpensive and easy to make.

In a mop bucket, add 2 gallons of hot water and combine: 

  • 1 tbsp liquid dish soap
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • ¼ cup Super Washing Soda

Mix ingredients until dissolved. 

Use this to mop sealed floors, including tile, stone and laminate. Use with caution on sealed hardwood flooring. You can also use it to spot clean carpeting and upholstery.  

The Smell-Good Hack

The disposable wet dry mops are convenient to use and provide a mess-free cleanup for sparkling floors. But for this next cleaning hack, you’ll need a map and wring bucket. 

If you want more than just sparkling clean floors, there are some secret ingredients you can add to make your entire house smell clean and super fresh! 

Here is a smell-good hack that will have everyone asking what you use to clean your home. In your mop bucket, add the following:

  • ¼ cup of Gain scented Mr. Clean cleaner
  • 1 tsp Gain liquid laundry detergent
  • 1 tbsp oxi clean
  • 1 cascade dishwasher tablet (top secret ingredient)

Fill the rest of the bucket to the top line with hot water and mix. Use on floors (sealed hardwood) walls that have washable paint and sealed wood furniture. You can also use on bathtubs, tile and grout. Be sure to rinse completely in-between uses. 

Set expensive cleaning products aside. You don’t need to go over budget to buy supplies and items to clean your home. Using things you may already have or products from the dollar tree, you can create a savvy cleaning stash and a great smelling home in no time! 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2022,

The Cost of Living is Going Up. How to Survive and Thrive in Tough Times

The Cost of Living is Going Up. How to Survive and Thrive in Tough Times

The economy is taking a huge hit right now. Those who were getting ahead and paying down their debt each month are now finding themselves treading through some pretty tough waters. While the best you can do is just ride the wave until the economy perks up, you need to get by in the meantime. Here are some things that you can start doing today to generate a better tomorrow. 

Focus on Your Food Budget

Whether it’s feeding 6 kids or just dinner for two, one thing in everyone’s budget is food. You have to eat. No matter what! The problem is, the cost of eating is rising steadily. In fact, the price of food is up 31% from 2020. This means now more than ever, you need to focus on what you spend monthly on meals. Here are some savvy tips to try:

  • Buy bulk at wholesale clubs
  • Look twice at marked-down food and freeze right away
  • Start meal planning to eliminate waste
  • Coupon and compare weekly local grocery ads
  • Limit eating out to accommodate your budget
  • Have a grocery list and stick to it

While you may already be doing some of these things, try digging even deeper. Are there other ways to save? Maybe plant a garden or take advantage of free or low-cost meals at your church or community center. Every little bit helps. 

Find the Best Deals Online

It’s time to make your monthly household goods order. You know, toilet paper, paper towels, and baby wipes. You always go through one of the bigger online merchants, because you’re dedicated. Now it’s time to think outside of the box. By downloading this app to your web browser, it will alert you if you can save more through another merchant. It’s handy and free! Because prices are on the rise globally, even shaving a few bucks off your order can be a real benefit. 

Lower Credit Card Payments

When glancing at what comes out of your checking account each month, those numbers are a little scary. It seems like your credit card payments keep going up, and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. To keep household expenses down, try lowering those payments. Don’t stop paying them of course! But resist the urge to transfer funds to other accounts that may have hidden fees and outrageous interest rates. 

A site called AmOne offers affordable personal loans with a lot less hassle. The good news? It consolidates all of your card balances into one low, affordable payment. It’s easy to apply and they will handle all the technical stuff for you. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have spotless credit either. 

Create Some Passive Income

We all want to make money while we sleep. It’s the dream, right? But, it isn’t that easy to achieve for most people, or is it? You can start small and bypass that big investment too. One site that delivers is Inbox Dollars. You may have already heard of them before, simply open their emails and get paid a few bucks. Well it’s changed a bit. 

By completing small tasks and watching videos, you can earn up to $200 a month, paid via PayPal or Amazon. When you recruit others and they do the same, you can make a little passive income. 

While implementing these changes into your day-to-day may seem miniscule, it can really add up. Shaving a few hundred off your food bill or finding a way to lower your bills by 10% leaves a lot of leftover funds in your bank account. There’s no getting around riding the wave of a turbulent economy. But finding ways to stay afloat can make things that much easier. 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2021,

Envelope and Zero-Based Budgets Made Easy

Envelope and Zero-Based Budgets Made Easy

With an unpredictable economy, these days it’s all about saving money. For some people, it’s easier said than done. Or it can be frustrating trying to figure out a method that actually works. Don’t fret! Let’s tackle this issue together! 

There are two popular budget types that are gaining popularity. The Envelope Method and Zero-based budget. We’re here to talk about how they work so you can decide which one may work best for you. 

The Envelope Method. 

The envelope method is a budgeting style that allows you to track how much money you’ll spend using cold, hard cash. Once you create a budget on paper, take the cash out from a designated pay period or the month and place it inside an envelope. 

It works best for household expenses minus your mortgage payment and utilities, which are often paid directly through your checking or savings account. But if you want to stash those funds in envelopes, you can. There is no wrong way to do it. When setting up your envelopes, some categories to include are:

  • Groceries
  • Entertainment
  • Personal expenses, such as nails, hairdresser, massage, clothing
  • Gifts
  • Gas
  • Restaurants

Once you have your categories set up, then add the amount you’ll need to spend for the allotted time frame. When heading to the store or out to eat, only spend what’s in that envelope. No exceptions! 

The goal of the envelope method is to keep you on track, making it hard to overspend, but you have to really stick to it. Go over your budget in the checkout lane? Don’t reach for your debit card, put something back. 

It is a great way to teach you discipline and self-control while keeping your main finances under strict control. 

What is a Zero-Based Budget?

A zero-based budget in a nutshell is where all of your income coming in, with the exception of your expenses, equals zero. Your expenses must match your income for the month. This means that every dollar is accounted for and it has a job to do. It doesn’t mean you will be left with zero funds at the end of the month, it just means everything goes to something. 

Having a plan for money is a good way to manage it easier. Here are some basic steps on getting started. 

  • Jot down your monthly bring home pay.
  • List your monthly expenses.
  • What are your seasonal expenses? Include them as needed.
  • Subtract income from expenses to equal zero.
  • Track spending monthly.

The goal is NOT to have zero dollars left over in your bank account, but that every dollar spent has a place to go. For example, if you are up $100, put that money into savings or to pay down debt. Short $100? Go back and rework your budget. 

The main goal with any budget is to take a closer look at where spending is taking place. Having money left over at the end of the month is a good thing! It will make simplifying money management that much easier!

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

Copyright 2021,