Stay on Your Toes With These Handy Productivity Tools

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

If you’re slashing your to-do list left and right, that’s great! I would love to know your best secret. But if you’re like me and the time just seems to get away from you, the perfect tip can help you plow through your day. Check out these handy productivity tools to make your day flow better.

There’s an App for That

Everywhere you turn, someone is creating a newer and more innovative app to help make life easier. When it comes to productivity, there are a few that take the cake. One is the Todoist app. 

It’s an easy-to-use app that allows you to manage your entire day in one place. Create checklists and utilize the reminders and organization tips this app provides. There is a free version so you can try it out. It also has paid tiers depending on your needs and budget. 

Grab a Kitchen Timer

Getting started on a huge project can seem very daunting when you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. One way to tackle it is to break it up into smaller sections and rest a bit in between.

Ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? It utilizes breaking down your tasks into small chunks of time. This helps you stay on track and accomplish your to-do list quicker. You can use a simple kitchen timer clock and put it at your desk for a quick reference. 

There is also a Pomodoro timer app you can download to your web browser or phone. 

Use Noise Canceling Headphones

Sometimes all the distractions outside the office can make completing a simple task daunting. Not only do you have a ton of tasks to complete for work, you also have things to do and appointments to get to. 

Try putting on some noise canceling headphones. Pop in your favorite playlist and concentrate on getting it all done. 

Ditch Your Phone (for now)

From Facebook notifications to update tones, your phone always wants to notify you when you’re not paying attention to it. Sometimes this buzz can be a major distraction. If it is, simply turn off your ringer and put it away. Out of sight and out of mind. This allows you to concentrate on what you need to get done and not take all day doing it. 

Is it procrastination or just simply constant interruption? Put an end to it all and be your very best version of yourself. Use these productivity tips today and watch your personal goals take fruition to success. 

Here’s to Saving and Thriving Daily!

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